The Armed Forces
The Jordanian Armed Forces represents the biggest institution in Jordan. It proudly stands as Jordan’s armor against any vicious assault. The Armed Forces represents an inexhaustible resource of well being and sustainable development for the Jordanian community.
Water Authority of Jordan
The water scarcity in Jordan poses a serious challenge that will affect all sectors if not addressed with serious efforts. Water for Life is Jordan's Water Strategy that sets the pace for our efforts for the years upto 2022.
Jordan Development Zones Company (JDZ)
Jordan Development Zones Company (JDZ) was established in October 2010 to serve as the Master Developer for The Dead Sea Development Zone and the Jabal Ajloun Development Area Zone . The establishment of the JDZ is intended to set the stage for the engagement of private sector partners to participate in the development of both zones under special commercial terms and conditions.
The Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC)
The Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) was launched in 2004 with the objective of unlocking the potential of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone by accelerating its economic growth and development.
Launched by ASEZA and the Government of Jordan, ADC owns Aqaba’s seaport, airport and strategic parcels
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs was established in 1965 to oversee the financial, administrative, and organizational performance of the Jordanian municipalities, help them execute their civic tasks efficiently, and upgrade the levels of services provided by those municipalities to the Jordanian citizens.
Public Security Department
Established in 1921, a year after the arrival of King Abdullah I to Jordan, the Public Security Directorate (PSD) is the governmental agency responsible for the public security of the all the Jordanian citizens. The PSD is affiliated to the Ministry of Interior.
Jordan Phosphate and Mining Corporation
JPMC was incorporated into a public shareholding company in 1953. It operates in three mining locations across the central and southern parts of Jordan; Al Hassa, Al Abiad, and Eshidiya Mines. 1.47 Billion Tonnes are the estimated reserves of phosphate rock in the three Mines.
JPMC produces up to 7 million tonnes a year of rock, making it the world’s sixth largest phosphate rock producer and the second largest exporter.
Greater Amman Municipality
The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) works day and night to ensure that the Capital, the reflection of the heritage and cultural face of the Kingdom, boasts an air of development that is in line with modern times. GAM currently encompasses 23000 employees, users, and workers who, on their part, serve a population that covers a predicted area of 1700 km2.
Apart from its main municipal roles, GAM also supports the entertainment and cultural sides of life in Amman, a goal it achieves by organizing and hosting festivals geared towards helping citizens observe the beauty of their surroundings, while satisfying their innate need for peace of mind and leisure.
Ministry of Tourism and Antiques
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities was established to enhance the role of tourism in the national economy and ensure sustainable growth as a means for social and economic development with a direct impact on local communities.
Ministry of Public Works and Housing
The MPWH was founded for the first time in conjunction with establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan, specifically a while before the year 1923.
It was called at that time Da’erat AL- Nafe’ah the (Beneficial Department). It seems that this name was derived from the functions of this directorate, as it is actually beneficial through the positive and useful works it has provided.